Sunday, September 26, 2010


I finally have a blog!  This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while but never got around to doing.  But now I am taking the plunge into the world of blogging.  It’s exciting and intimidating all at the same time.  I love to write and I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts and receiving feedback.

I decided to call my blog “Explorations in Freedom.”  The scripture says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” (Gal. 5:1) Since Christ died to give us freedom, shouldn’t freedom be a major theme in our lives?  Shouldn’t we explore the implications of that freedom as it applies to our relationships, our decisions and our own hearts? 

So often, Christians become lethargic with their faith.  They fall prey to the mindset, “I accepted Christ so when I die I will go to Heaven.”  While that is true, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”  There is so much more to it than simply avoiding Hell. 

There’s a scene in the 1971 film, “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” that illustrates this point.  At the end of the journey through the factory, Charlie and his grandfather are in Wonka’s office.  After returning the “everlasting gobstopper,” Wonka informs Charlie that he wins the prize.  Charlie thinks he has won a lifetime supply of chocolate.  When he asks about this, Wonka says, “Yes, yes the chocolate.  But that’s just the beginning!”  And as you know, Charlie inherited the entire factory and Wonka Empire—eventually inheriting the mantle of Willie Wonka himself.

So often we think we’ve inherited a “get out of Hell free” card.  But that’s just the beginning!  It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!  There is so much more to Christ’s sacrifice for us.  And we do ourselves no favors by ignoring the freedom Christ’s blood secured for us.  Let’s explore this freedom.  Let’s examine what this means for our lives.  Let’s go on an exploration. 

An exploration of freedom.